With the holiday season quickly approaching, one question we get often get asked is about alcohol consumption after weight loss surgery. Can you sip a hot toddy or a mulled wine at Christmastime without having negative side effects?

The answer is yes, but in careful moderation. It is important to note, that no matter how festive a cocktail may be, it is still essentially empty calories or calories that do not contribute to your overall health and nutrition. Instead, treat yourself to a simple cocktail without too many sugary mixers such as a martini or an old fashion. Also remember to avoid drinking fizzy alcoholic drinks as the bubbles and air can leave you feeling unwell and and long-term can lead to stretching of the stomach pouch. (So no bucks fizz on Christmas morning!)

Here’s Professor David Kerrigan with more insight on drinking alcohol after a weight loss procedure:

Visit our Meet the Surgeon page for more video responses from Phoenix Health’s very own David Kerrigan.

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