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So you’ve made the decision to have bariatric surgery. Congratulations: that’s the first step toward a healthy future! But you may still be undecided about which surgery is the right one for you.

It’s an important question, and ultimately you must be the person who answers it. But in order to do so, you need to equip yourself with all the information you can. As is true with any search for medical information, be sure that your sources are responsible. There is no substitute for consulting with recognized experts in laparoscopic bariatric surgery who have extensive experience with all the procedures you are considering.

Here are some places you may want to start:

Talk to your GP and any specialist who may be involved in your care. You may also wish to speak with a counsellor who can help you clarify why you’ve made this decision.
Examine our website thoroughly. It’s a great place to familiarize yourself with what is available to you.
Make an appointment at one of our bariatric centres to talk with the team; we can answer all of your questions about the various procedures and help you determine which one might be best for you.

Here are some questions that might help you clarify and organize your thoughts before you come to talk with us:

What is your weight-loss goal? Be specific: do you want to lose as much of your excess weight as possible, or are you interested in just enough weight loss to get control of, for example, your diabetes?
How much maintenance are you willing to put in once your bariatric surgery is finished? For example, will you be able to find time for the adjustment schedule of laparoscopic bands?
How fast do you need to lose the weight? For example, do you need knee-replacement surgery and must lose weight as quickly as possible?
Do you know what the best and worst possible outcomes are for each bariatric procedure? Make sure that you do, or that you ask us: it’s essential information.
What are the possible short-term complications of each bariatric surgery?
What are the possible longer-term complications of each bariatric surgery?
What are the typical and expected weight-loss results for this bariatric procedure in five years? Ten years?

Information and education are key to having a successful outcome of whichever bariatric procedure that you choose. Make sure that you ask us as many questions as you can think of. An informed patient is the most successful patient of all.

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