When we think of celebrating, many of us rejoice with food or a special tasty treat. However, when celebrating weight-loss, especially after weight loss surgery, food is definitely not the best thing to choose.
Restriction in terms of portion size and food choice can limit your options considerably so why not look at other ways to celebrate the pounds or kilos you have lost or a special milestone you have achieved along the way
Check out a new hobby and have a splurge on the ‘ingredients’ needed. For example, try making your own jewellery; knitting or embroidering some unique design; or throwing a piece of pottery. Make it eventful by adding a special charm to your jewellery to mark a specific loss or target; incorporate a pertinent message into your knitted or sewing design; or inscribe your pottery with your name and date of your ‘surgiversary’ or when you reached your target weight.
Do something daring that you couldn’t have possibly done pre weight loss due to the limitations of excess weight. Think about sky diving, bungee jumping, abseiling or just an endurance challenge. Make it all the sweeter by getting sponsors and giving the proceeds to your favourite charity.
Compare your weight loss to other things. Check out on the internet items that weigh approximately the amount you have lost. You might have lost the weight of a kangaroo, 50 packs of butter, 15 typical new-born babies or 2 super models. Always helps to visualise!
Have aspecial photograph taken … after hiding away behind the camera for years it’s the least you deserve. Splash out by getting it taken by a professional (and bring in the experts to help with makeup, hair and clothes). Then frame it and display for all to see!
Save the money you would normally spend on foodie treats and use to invest in a piece of health apparatus or gym membership. A new bike, treadmill, pair of quality walking shoes or one-day Spa treat would be a great option.
Save and book that once in a lifetime or never in your previous lifetime holiday. This might be long haul on a flight where you can now comfortably buckle that airline seat belt (without extension) and pull down the food tray to knee level; a second honeymoon to somewhere you have always dreamt of; or just a day trip to a theme park where previously you couldn’t enjoy the rides. Life now has so many more options!