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A recent UK study analysed some 904 recipes (developed by celebrity chefs) and discovered that three-quarters of them contained high levels of undesirable nutrients, particularly saturated fats. Eating too much of this type of fat contributes to heart disease and obesity.

In response, FIS (the Fat Information Service) experts have developed 10 easy to follow cooking tips for weight loss* that when applied to any recipe can make it healthier by reducing the saturated fat content. These rules are just as beneficial (if not more so) to bariatric patients following a low-fat regime after surgery.

cooking tips for weight loss

So if you have been looking to adapt a pre-surgery favourite recipe for post-surgery eating then these simple cooking tips for weight loss could save the day:

1.  If the recipe includes cream, replace with lower fat fromage frais, natural yogurt or crème fraiche.

2.  Swap whole milk for semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.

3.  If you are choosing cheese to flavour a dish or sauce, opt for a strong tasting one and use a smaller amount of it. Alternatively, try a reduced fat version.

4.  Swap butter for vegetable oil based spreads or margarine.

5.  Use unsaturated oils such as olive, sunflower or rapeseed oils instead of butter, lard or ghee.

6.  Wherever possible grill meat, poultry and fish instead of frying it and cut off any visible fat or skin before cooking.

7.  Use a non-stick pan to avoid adding extra fat when cooking.

8.  Add less meat to stews and casseroles and replace with pulses and extra vegetables instead.

9.  When making a pie opt for just one crust – either a lid or a base- as pastry is high in fat. Also try making pastry with vegetable oil-based spreads instead of butter.

10.  Grill, bake, poach or steam foods instead of frying or roasting.

Do you have any cooking tips for weight loss not listed above? We would love to hear from you!

*  information, tips and advice from

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