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It’s easy to feel, sometimes, that everybody else on the planet is in charge of our lives. Commercials tell us what our homes should look like, what we should eat and wear, how our children should behave. Advertisements tell us that acquiring a new car, a new outfit, or a new drink is all we need to “belong.” At work, we’re told when and where we have to report, what we have to do. Family members all have their own agendas for what we should be doing for them.

Somewhere in there it’s easy to get lost.

The good news is that you’re not lost. You’re reading this, which means that you’ve either already decided that weight-loss surgery or another bariatric procedure can help you change your life, or you’re considering the possibility. Either way, you’re clearly in charge here: you’re on your way to creating your own healthy future.

Being seriously overweight is probably keeping you from making some decisions about your life. You may feel too embarrassed to do activities that attract you, like swimming; or you may feel you won’t be able to physically do other like hiking or bicycling.

Beyond the obvious, however, serious obesity is holding you back from all the things you can be: healthy, happy, pain-free, even possibly disease-free if you’re currently struggling with diabetes or sleep apnoea. Being seriously obese is letting others create your future, set the rules, make the decisions, because you don’t have the self-confidence necessary to stand your ground, to make a suggestion or a point, to dare to do something different.

That’s all about to change.

Having bariatric surgery isn’t like taking a magic pill. It’s going to help you lose weight—but you’re going to be the one losing it. Bariatric surgery will enable you to take charge of your life and of your own healthy future.

You’ve made an amazing decision in taking the step to contact us and talk about weight-loss surgery, and the best part is, that’s just the first of many healthy decisions that you’re going to be making for yourself.

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