The placeholder featured image.

Has the size of the portion on your plate hampered your efforts to lose weight before surgery? Does it threaten to sabotage your efforts further down the line after WLS?

It would hardly be surprising because general food portions have ballooned over the last few decades and fast food portions have been analysed and shown to have doubled or tripled over the last 20 years.

In fact our dinner plate size has grown just as fast as our waist sizes have increased from the 1960’s to the present day.

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But all is not lost because it is easy to trick the eye (stomach and brain too) into accepting smaller, more acceptable, portions with just using a smaller plate.

Check out the picture below and guess which is the larger and smaller portion….ok, it’s a trick, they are both the same but you can see how easy it is to accept that the smaller plate has sufficient food on it.

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So the way forward, as a first step, to checking portion distortion, is to size up your plate! Instead of the man-sized monster you might have been using, opt for a smaller side, salad or special bariatric portion plate.

The latter also enables you to not only size up the portion correctly but select the right proportions of foods for good healthy weight-loss and maintenance after bariatric surgery (and shouldn’t be confused with a normal healthy eating portion plate).

dinner plate size 3


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