The placeholder featured image.

Many weight-loss surgery patients spend years behind the lens rather than in front of it because of issues with their weight or size.

I know there are some holiday albums of mine where people have queried if I went on the jaunt with the rest of the family … I was conspicuous by my absence in any pics!

How to look great in photographs

These days, after my surgery and consequent weight-loss, I don’t automatically volunteer to take the photographs but push myself a little further forward so that I can appear in pics like the rest of my family, friends and associates.

But, that said, we all know that facial expression can make a big difference in how photos turn out – you can look at your best or you can look ‘not so hot’.

Pose and poise can make or break a pic and make it a winner or loser. Here are some tricks I have been told about, and now share, to help you loosen up and look at your natural best. Here’s how weight loss surgery patients can look great in photographs:

*  The number one celebrity photo trick is to put one hand on your hip. Not sure? Well check out your latest celeb magazine and see how many celebs adopt this position! This pose reminds you to keep your shoulders back and not to slouch. It also helps to define your waist if you’re wearing something loose. Just remember to keep your fingers together so that you don’t have jazz hands.

*  Say cheese by all means but if you’ve been smiling for a long time, close your eyes for a few seconds or look down and then up at the camera – the brief pause will help you to avoid having a glassy-eyed stare.

*  If you’re being photographed while standing, face the camera and turn your body at an angle. Stand with one leg slightly in front of the other, feet pointed slightly outward. You’ll look taller and thinner. Don’t stand with your legs apart or you’ll look like a football centre-back player! Practice in front of a full-length mirror so that you’ll feel comfortable when it’s picture time.

If you are pre-op or early post-op why not try out these tips when taking your ‘before and after’ pics in the record of your journey through weight loss?

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