One of the more recent options in terms of bariatric surgery is a procedure called the sleeve gastrectomy. It’s a relatively new procedure that can be the perfect fit for certain patients.
The sleeve gastrectomy is purely restrictive: it removes a substantial part of your stomach so that you cannot eat as much as you normally would, and you therefore lose weight. Like a gastric bypass procedure, this surgery is non-reversible; unlike the bypass, nothing is rerouted within the stomach and intestines.
So what are the advantages of the sleeve gastrectomy?
First and foremost, you will lose a lot of weight, so you’re going to experience dramatic positive life changes: 30% to 60% of needed weight loss will occur within the first 12 months of the sleeve gastrectomy procedure.
Unlike the gastric band, there’s nothing that needs to be adjusted.
Unlike gastric bypass surgery, you won’t need to worry as much about possible vitamin and mineral deficiencies; there are also fewer possible complications and no possibility of the dumping syndrome associated with gastric bypass surgery.
Over 80 percent of type-II diabetes cases disappear; hypertension improves or disappears.
If you don’t qualify for gastric bypass due to a pre-existing condition (anoemia, Crohn’s disease, etc) you may qualify for the sleeve gastrectomy.
Any kind of bariatric surgery is considered successful when you’ve lost 50% of your excess weight and kept it off for five years. While we’re still collecting data on sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the results so far point to consistent success.
Want to learn more about sleeve gastrectomy surgery? We’re very happy to talk to you about it and help you determine if it’s right for you. Why not arrange a consultation today?