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It’s the number-one question that weight-loss specialists are asked: how much weight will I lose after gastric band surgery?

The answer is, of course, it depends!

It depends, first of all, on your expectations. If you expect gastric band surgery to be the answer to all of your weight problems, then you’re setting yourself up for an unpleasant experience. If you think that gastric band surgery means that you won’t have to watch what you eat, or exercise regularly to stay healthy, then you’re setting yourself up for an unpleasant experience.

But if you accept that the best weight loss is healthy weight loss, if you eat healthy foods and exercise every day, then you can expect to achieve great results.

In general, gastric band surgery patients will lose between 50 and 60 percent of their needed weight loss over a period of two years; some people get better results than those averages. Losing weight overnight is neither realistic nor healthy. Many people who lost their weight too quickly are faced with decisions about further surgery to remove the folds of skin left behind by rapid weight loss; this is less likely to happen if you lose the weight at a measured, regular pace  and if you exercise, including a strong emphasis on strength training.

Gastric band surgery will help you lose the weight you need to lose; but the emphasis is on help… It’s still up to you!

If you are interested in starting your weight loss journey, fill in our contact form below or visit our Contact Us page today, our friendly team will help you decide what treatment option is best for you.

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