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If you are considering weight-loss surgery, you need to know the risks of the surgery but also the risks of not having weight-loss surgery, the risks associated with remaining obese.

What is obesity? We all know what it looks like, but what is really happening inside the body of a seriously overweight person?

Obesity is a chronic disorder, a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the point where it has an adverse effect on your health. It is currently the leading preventable cause of death worldwide, and is seen as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.

You’ve probably seen the list of effects of obesity: diabetes, obstructive sleep apnoea, high blood pressure, depression, and so on. Let’s take a moment to think about that list. What stands out is that obesity doesn’t just affect one organ: it spreads throughout your body.

And that is precisely why it is so difficult to treat, and why weight-loss surgery can be an excellent start to a lifetime of good health.

Your first step should be a consultation to find out whether weight-loss surgery is for you and, if it is, which kind is your best route to take. Come to your consultation with prepared questions:

Which type of weight-loss surgery is best for me?
How much weight will I lose after my weight-loss surgery?
What is the recovery time after my weight-loss surgery?
What are my dietary/exercise guidelines after weight-loss surgery?
How will my health improve after my weight-loss surgery?
Will I need to have cosmetic surgery after weight-loss surgery, and if so, which procedures?

Having the most information is always the best place to start. We can provide a consultation that answers all the questions you have about weight-loss surgery. Why not make an appointment today?

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