My name is Lin and all my life I have loved food.

At the age of 64 I was 196kg/BMI 65 and every week another health concern raised its head due to my being overweight.

I was getting scared about my future, I wanted to watch my grandchildren grow up but I felt that this might not happen. I organised my Will and my funeral – putting my house is order was very upsetting.

My daughter suggested I made enquiries about surgery after reading the wonderful stories on the Phoenix Health web site. I wasn’t sure if I was too big to qualify for surgery.

I had telephone consultations with the dietician, psychologist and Professor Kerrigan due to me living at the other end of the country.

Professor Kerrigan suggested that the SAD-IS bariatric surgery would be best for me and I must admit it took some thinking about as the changes would be for life but I could not carry on as I was so I said yes, surgery date set for 21st May 2018.

Here we are just over a year later, weighing in at 118kg – a loss of 78kg (12 stone) down from a size 32/34 to 22/24. I actually had to take a skirt back the other day because it was too big, never thought I would be doing that. I left the store on cloud nine, it was a great feeling.

I can’t say that it has been an easy journey, I have had plenty of support from friends and family, also Charli Harper, dietician at Phoenix. It takes commitment and you have to look after yourself, you soon learn what you can and cannot eat but there are many more good days than bad days.

I have never felt so well, I can keep up with the grandchildren better and I even volunteer at a primary school one day a week and listen to the children read. I use an exercise watch to track my activity which is improving daily, hopefully I can get my knee replacement now and then there will be no stopping me……………