The Guardian newspaper has reported on a study by The Association for the Study of Obesity [ASO] that has revealed that more than a third of people who regard themselves as merely overweight are actually clinically obese, and at risk of major heath problems.

The study of more than 14,000 people across Europe found that more than a fifth of Britons who think their size is healthy or normal were in fact overweight.

Professor David Kerrigan said the study under-reported the level of the problem because it was based on self-reported weight measurements and the research suggested there was a danger the public now thinks being overweight is normal.

He added that obesity is a silent killer: the narrowing of the arteries that cause stroke and heart disease, the impact of fat infiltrating glands like the pancreas and liver, resulting in type II diabetes, and the increasingly strong evidence linking obesity and common cancers.

He urged the public to confront the reality of their weight and the potential health issues it can trigger. “Obesity isn’t a problem about how you look – that’s a side effect – it’s a problem about what it does to your insides.”

Read the Guardian article here

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